Monday 4 June 2007


Writer Kurt Busiek
Artist Alex Ross
Letterer Richard Starkings/Comicraft
Publisher Marvel

Welcome to New York. Here, burning figures roam the streets, men in brightly-coloured costumes scale the glass and concrete walls, and creatures from space threaten to devour our world. This is the Marvel Universe, where the ordinary and fantastic interact daily. This is the world of marvels. Witness the birth of this fantastic universe from the inside. See the world's greatest heroes in a different light, with a new awe and a touch of fear. For first time, experience the Marvel Universe and whole new perspective, yours.

Marvels is fully painted by Alex Ross, I remember looking at a copy of Astro City years ago and although being initially amazed by the art something bothered me about it as I examined it further. Now at this point it would be good to describe exactly what that is but I'm not sure exactly, maybe and I'm referring to Marvels here there's a kind of grandiosity that painting gives to every panel, the splash pages are staggering but the other more low key panels seem unbalanced by it. Dan Brereton [Nocturnals] who also fully paints his books I don't have a problem with, possibly because all his characters are fantastical and never in ordinary situations so the style seems to suit that more.
The story follows Phil Sheldon a Photojournalist in New York witnessing the early years of the Marvel Universe. It's great and I would give it 5 stars if it weren't for my problem with the art.